Inverted Reality

Elegant objects escape from gravity and transform daily life into surreal moments.


Silk Trick

Feminine scarves bring a unique gravity-free sensation to your look.

Balance color and lightness


Upside-down Shadow Puppet

Women's shoes transform the surroundings into a modern stage for creativity.

Act loudly


Gigantic Steps

Shoes for men go for a full-size and playful experience.

Stroll through every field with ease

Inventive Clasps

Versatile leather goods shed light on a world of refinement.

Open the treasure chest

Brilliant Craft

Precious metal reveals wonder, crafting shine with polish.

Scintillate with every facet

On the starting line

Modern watches play with time and schedule a joyful life.

Prepare your wrist for a surprise

Other Fun-filled Dimensions

Playful objects level up in various spaces and take different style directions.