# # prod_hermes_cn_robots.txt # # This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts # of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo! # and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site, # you save bandwidth and server resources. # # This file will be ignored unless it is at the root of your host: # Used: http://example.com/robots.txt # Ignored: http://example.com/site/robots.txt # # For more information about the robots.txt standard, see: # http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html # # For Drupal folders and files, wildcards used for directories 1) country 2) language User-agent: * # Directories Disallow: /*/config/ Disallow: /*/*/includes/ Disallow: /*/*/misc/ Disallow: /*/*/modules/ Disallow: /*/*/profiles/ Disallow: /*/*/scripts/ Disallow: /*/*/themes/ Allow: /*/*/themes/custom/hermes/img/ # Files Disallow: /*/*/CHANGELOG.txt Disallow: /*/*/cron.php Disallow: /*/*/INSTALL.mysql.txt Disallow: /*/*/INSTALL.pgsql.txt Disallow: /*/*/install.php Disallow: /*/*/INSTALL.txt Disallow: /*/*/LICENSE.txt Disallow: /*/*/MAINTAINERS.txt Disallow: /*/*/update.php Disallow: /*/*/UPGRADE.txt Disallow: /*/*/xmlrpc.php # Paths (clean URLs) Disallow: /admin/commerce/ Disallow: /*/*/admin/ Disallow: /*/*/comment/reply/ Disallow: /*/*/node/add/ Disallow: /*/*/node/* Disallow: */node?page=* Disallow: /*/*/search/ Disallow: /*/*/editorial/* Disallow: /*/*/environment/* Disallow: /*/*/taxonomy/* Disallow: /*/*/user/register/ Disallow: /*/*/user/password/ Disallow: /*/*/user/login/ Disallow: /*/*/user/logout/ # Paths (no clean URLs) Disallow: /*/*/?q=admin/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=comment/reply/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=node/add/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=search/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=user/password/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=user/register/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=user/login/ Disallow: /*/*/?q=user/logout/ # added regarding the actual site structure # disallow search URL to be indexed Disallow: /*/*/search?s=* Disallow: /*/*/search/?s=* # For Magento folders and files, wildcards used for directories 1) country 2) language # Directories Disallow: /*/*/404/ Disallow: /*/*/app/ Disallow: /*/*/cgi-bin/ Disallow: /*/*/downloader/ Disallow: /*/*/errors/ Disallow: /*/*/includes/ Disallow: /*/*/lib/ Disallow: /*/*/magento/ Disallow: /*/*/pkginfo/ Disallow: /*/*/report/ Disallow: /*/*/scripts/ Disallow: /*/*/shell/ Disallow: /*/*/skin/ Disallow: /*/*/stats/ Disallow: /*/*/var/ # Paths (clean URLs) Disallow: /*/*/catalogsearch/result/ Disallow: /*/*/catalog/product_compare/ Disallow: /*/*/catalog/category/view/ Disallow: /*/*/catalog/product/view/ Disallow: /*/*/catalogsearch/ Disallow: /*/*/checkout/ Disallow: /*/*/control/ Disallow: /*/*/contacts/ Disallow: /*/*/customer/ Disallow: /*/*/customize/ Disallow: /*/*/newsletter/ Disallow: /*/*/poll/ Disallow: /*/*/review/ Disallow: /*/*/sendfriend/ Disallow: /*/*/tag/ Disallow: /*/*/wishlist/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/catalogsearch/result/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/catalog/product_compare/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/catalog/category/view/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/catalog/product/view/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/catalogsearch/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/checkout/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/control/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/contacts/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/customer/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/customize/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/newsletter/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/poll/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/review/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/sendfriend/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/tag/ Disallow: /*/*/index.php/wishlist/ # Files Disallow: /*/*/cron.php Disallow: /*/*/cron.sh Disallow: /*/*/error_log Disallow: /*/*/install.php Disallow: /*/*/LICENSE.html Disallow: /*/*/LICENSE.txt Disallow: /*/*/LICENSE_AFL.txt Disallow: /*/*/STATUS.txt # Paths (no clean URLs) Disallow: /*/*/*.php$ Disallow: /*/*/*?p=*& Disallow: /*/*/*?SID= Disallow: /*/*/*?limit=all # Waiting bugfix Disallow: /*/story/test* Disallow: /*/story/*-test* Disallow: /apps/ Disallow: /geoloc/ Disallow: /cookie/ Disallow: /autodiscover/ Disallow: /ACQUIA_MONITOR Disallow: /modules/user/ Disallow: /do_not_delete/ Disallow: /extension/ Disallow: /*/*/get/ajax/notifications/ Disallow: /*/*/validatewechatpay/ #Params Disallow: /?cachebuster=* Disallow: /?nuance=* Disallow: /?color_hermes__nuance=* Disallow: /?size_leather=* Disallow: /?xtor=* Disallow: /?sortby=* Disallow: /?site=* Disallow: /?engineid=* Disallow: /?&engineid=* Disallow: /?a=* Disallow: /?c=* Disallow: /?e=* Disallow: /?p=* Disallow: /?q=* Disallow: /?v=* Disallow: /?x=* Disallow: /?cid=* Disallow: /?mid=* Disallow: /?ladh=* Disallow: /?fbclid=* Disallow: /?storeId=* DIsallow: /?langId=* Disallow: /?catalogId=* Disallow: /?sketch-id=* Disallow: /?_gac=* Disallow: /?callback=* Disallow: /?CFID=* Disallow: /?CHKeyword=* Disallow: /?city=* Disallow: /?combination=* Disallow: /?country=* Disallow: /?embedded=* Disallow: /?event=* Disallow: /?fit=* Disallow: /?from=* Disallow: /?gamme=* Disallow: /?generic_color_* Disallow: /?hc_location=* Disallow: /?insvid=* Disallow: /?keyfrom=* Disallow: /?lang=* Disallow: /?locale=* Disallow: /?mod=* Disallow: /?MRK_CMPG_SOURCE=* Disallow: /?NBVCCX=* Disallow: /?openExternalBrowser=* Disallow: /?orderby=* Disallow: /?phint=* Disallow: /?productId=* Disallow: /?ref=* Disallow: /?selected=* Disallow: /?snowdome_id=* Disallow: /?tc=* Disallow: /?theme=* Disallow: /?tkb=* Disallow: /?url_from=* Disallow: /?wid=* Disallow: /?xtcr=* Disallow: /?xtmc=* Disallow: /?yclid=* Disallow: /?zoneId=* #Disallow: *aggregate Disallow: /?utm* Disallow: *hash=* # For China only User-agent: 360Spider Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: HaosouSpider Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: Baiduspider Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: Baiduspider-mobile Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: Sogou+inst+spider Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: Sogou+spider2 Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: Sogou+web+spider/4.0 Disallow: /cn/en/ User-agent: YisouSpider Disallow: /cn/en/ # All sitemaps listed below : Sitemap: https://www.hermes.cn/cn/zh/sitemap.xml Sitemap: https://www.hermes.cn/cn/en/sitemap.xml